The Ornamented Zither by Li Shang-yin 李商隱《錦瑟》

錦瑟李商隱錦瑟無端五十弦,一弦一柱思華年。莊生曉夢迷蝴蝶,望帝春心託杜鵑。滄海月明珠有淚,藍田日暖玉生煙。此情可待成追憶,只是當時已惘然。 The Ornamented Zither by Li Shang-yinThe ornamented zither, for what reason, has to have fifty strings altogether?Since every single string and bridge calls the fading golden years to my mind.Chuang-tzu was illuded in his daydream as a butterfly,And Emperor Wang poured his amorous heart into cuckoo’s cry.The pearls shed tears in the vast moonlit … Continue reading The Ornamented Zither by Li Shang-yin 李商隱《錦瑟》